Lake Ziros Lake Ziros

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Lake Ziros

In close proximity to Filippiada, there is a small paradise worth visiting. Lake Ziros, whose name comes from the Slavic word “ozero” meaning “lake”. Hidden among plane trees, oaks and poplars, it covers an area of 420 acres and the surrounding beauty of nature is reflected in its serene blue-green waters. It may not be one of the best-known lakes in Greece, but its idyllic setting is reminiscent of similar lakes in Central Europe. It has been designated as an area of outstanding natural beauty, rich in flora and fauna. Its total surface area is 1,250 acres, its perimeter is 3 kilometers and its average depth is 20 meters. Geologists believe that, 10,000 years ago, there used to be a lake cave whose roof collapsed and this is how this wonder of nature was formed. The water table of the lake is fed by underground springs and is the same as that of Louros River. During 1947-1949, Swiss architects built “Ziropolis”, later named “Paidopolis Agios Alexandros” by the lake, where war orphans and later civil war orphans stayed. Nowadays, these facilities house the Environmental Education Center of Filippiada. The captivating beauty of Lake Ziros undoubtedly makes it an ideal destination for hiking, cycling and kayaking enthusiasts throughout the year.


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